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Linguistics Student Indonesia Founded in April 2015, Linguistics Student Indonesia starts as a personal blog and continues its journey and has expanded its wings to several platforms such as Instagram, Youtube, Anchor, Facebook, ResearchGate, and LinkedIn. Linguistics Student Indonesia is currently non-profit and represents its founder's personal brand. The idea of creating Linguistics Student Indonesia emanates when Suci Wulan Lestary as a Founder of this blog encounters a lot of difficulties in learning Linguistics as her specialty in college. So, she started to build Linguistics Student Indonesia while hopes that this platform could help to spread her values as a passionate individual who is attracted to linguistics as she took Indonesian Linguistics specialty as her major in college. Besides linguistics, she would also love to share her meaningful life experience. That's why the tagline: makes little things matter by learning through experience. *** Current Interest


Reading Estimation: 2 Minutes 53 Seconds

PROLOGUE: These past few weeks, honestly, have been a whirlwind for me because there are a lot of things that happened and I feel a little bit overwhelmed. Fortunately, I had my people rooting for me, so I can pass it quite easily. Well, let's get straight into the topic. This will be an episode of me being honest with you, lol. You might think, 'why she acts like she wants to tell us a huge secret?'

I finally finished writing my linguistics-based research to get a degree in bachelor of Indonesian Literature, yet I still had some consults with my academic advisors so I can graduate (pray for me? will you? lol, thanks if you do!) and sharing this story was incredibly hard. It's hard because normally people of my age finished their bachelor's degree in four years. In fact, for me, it required extra-two years, a good dose of vulnerability, a bunch of depression, and the company of family & friends just to finish this research. This is my research diaries, now please relax and enjoy the ride!

PART ONE - It started out with me getting excited with tagmemic analysis as an approach and considered syntax as a research theory that my professor taught me in a capita selecta of linguistics course, three years ago. Anyway, the phrase capita selecta is a French term, and some of you might be wondering what it was. Let me explain, at my uni, we had a capita selecta course for every student who eligible to do research the year after. It was courses given as a lecture series facilitated by a professor as a preparation for future research.

I still remember how I interviewed my professor about tagmemic analysis because I am very fascinated back then. He's my professor whom I also encountered in morphology and lexicography courses. I asked him, "How if I took this tagmemic for my future research?"

The answer is he's fully fascinated as I am, and he also gave me a piece of advice to use a tagmemic approach combined with my local-native language as my research object (local-native language known as bahasa daerah in bahasa Indonesia). At first, I want to take the Javanese language as an object, but when I came back to ask my professor, he extremely refused, the reason is that there are a lot of people who did a research on it. So, if I take it, my research wouldn't be as innovative as it supposes to be. Then I changed my research object into the Sundanese language and his advice was "Well if you really want it, my advice would be: take the ancient one, not the modern one, think about that!"

As soon as I arrived home, I decided to browse more information about the ancient Sundanese manuscript and I found two manuscripts. The first one is Sanghyang Tatwa Ajnyana and the second one is Sanghyang Swawarcinta. Even if I speak Sundanese with my mom who a native speaker of Sundanese, I actually have zero ideas about the ancient Sundanese. I didn't know what comes into my mind that day and I was very brave to choose Sanghyang Tatwa Ajnyana as my research object. My only thought when I encounter those manuscripts is "Okay, I will take Sanghyang Tatwa Ajnyana for my object, because this is didactic prose, I assume that this will be easier to analyze rather than the other one Sanghyang Swawarcinta which was an octosyllabic poem,"

Without any further consideration, I printed out the digital monograph of Sanghyang Tatwa Ajnyana manuscript and its translation from the digital collection of the national library of the Republic of Indonesia website, and jump into the library the next day.

Unluckily, when I'm trying to find the original printed monograph of the Sanghyang Tatwa Ajnyana manuscript and its translation, it's ain't available there. I assume they haven't published it yet. To be honest, I feel knocked down a little bit at the moment. This is where my research journey started.

[to be continued...]

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